When we make trade agreement, there are 3 possibilities
- On some products we make discounted price for all Customers.
- On some products we make discounted for selected Customers
- All products have discounted or fixed prices for some customers.
Third case is exceptional, but there is possibility that organization set sales prices on all items for some customers or all customer.
If we dig deep, we find that trade agreements stored in
PRICEDISCTABLE and PriceDiscAdmTrans
I am sharing code which just check that particular item exists in trade agreement. These both table have item variant level detail. You can extended the code according to your need. Code is running on Contoso data.
PriceDiscAdmTrans _trans;
ItemId _Item=”C10034″;
ItemId itemRelation=”C0001″;
ItemId _itemWithCustomer =”D0011″;
CustAccount accountRelation =”US-001″;
Price _price;
PriceType relation =PriceType::PriceSales;
NoYes _RelationExist=NoYes::No;
// Item scenerio for all customer.
// _RelationExist= PRICEDISCTABLE::existItemRelation(PriceType::PriceSales,_Item);
/// First if trade agreement exist for Item for all customer.
select firstonly RecId from priceDiscTable
where priceDiscTable.Relation == relation &&
priceDiscTable.ItemCode == TableGroupAll::Table &&
priceDiscTable.ItemRelation == itemRelation
&& priceDiscTable.AccountCode == TableGroupAll::All;
if (priceDiscTable !=null)
info (“found”);
// trade agreement exist for particular item for particular customer
select firstonly RecId from priceDiscTable
where priceDiscTable.Relation == relation &&
priceDiscTable.AccountCode == TableGroupAll::Table &&
priceDiscTable.AccountRelation == accountRelation &&
priceDiscTable.ItemCode == TableGroupAll::Table &&
priceDiscTable.ItemRelation == _itemWithCustomer;
if (priceDiscTable !=null)
info (“found”);
// third possibility is that when Customer have to all product with same price of amount.
select firstonly RecId from priceDiscTable
where priceDiscTable.Relation == relation &&
priceDiscTable.ItemCode == TableGroupAll::All &&
priceDiscTable.AccountRelation == accountRelation &&
priceDiscTable.AccountCode == TableGroupAll::Table; //&&
// priceDiscTable.AccountRelation == accountRelation;
if (priceDiscTable !=null)
info (“found”);
Hopes this helps