In real world every person has unique identified number provided by Government of country or organization where he is working. For example if we talk about Pakistan every person either Applicant or worker has its unique CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) or National Passport or NTN (National Tax Number). And we have to store these in Human resource management implemented in organization.
For these implementation In Dynamics Ax 2012 provide a form for its set up. You can define these unique setup form and then links in Applicant or worker to step link
Human resource => Setup=> worker=> Identification types
When you click on button following form will open where you can set required Identification Types according to your country
Now you want to setup the values against these Values You can open Worker List page, select required worker and from top strip select Personal Information.
Similar form open for selected worker.
You can also set these Identification from detail form of work, Go on Personal Detail fast tab and click on “Government and Organizational Identifications”
Similarly if you can select Identification for Applicant. Select the required Applicant form grid and click on personal Information from Top tab
Or open the detail from of applicant and from Personal Information fast tab you can enter its CNIC or Identification number.