Hi all, this is post is for me. I used to make workflow in Customization, Instead created new labels, I used out the box label for workflow menus
menu items labels
@SPS1299 Submit to workflow
@SPS1329 Cancel
@SPS1303 Delegate
@SPS1306 Resubmit
@SPS1301 Reject
@SYS38598 Approve
@SYS109045 RequestChange
@SYS109048 Resubmit
Status enum labels
@SPS1268 not submitted
@SPS1283 Submitted
@SPS1285 Approved
@SYS75939 Draft
@SYS784 Rejected
@SYS319813 Cancelled
@SYS319123 InReview
@SYS109045 ChangeRequest