As per my understanding for commands, Examples are more easily understand and quick solution instead of syntax.
For model store export/import we have to use Dynamics Ax Management Shell. You can find “Dynamics Ax Management Shell” at All Programs, Administrative Tools and Microsoft Dynamics Ax Management Shell.
Export Command Syntax (Windows PowerShell) :
Export-AXModel –Model <name> -File <Filename.axmodel>
Example : abcd is name of Model, file name can be different model store name.
Export-AXModel -model abcd -file c:\abcd.axmodel
Import Command Syntax (Windows PowerShell)
Install-AXModel -File <Filename.axmodel> -Details
Exmaple :
Install-AXModel -File C:\abcd.axmodel –Details
In the case of some files exist in another model then add “-Conflict Push”
The complete command is here
Install-AXModel -File C:\abcd.axmodel -Details -Conflict Push