Hi all, My fellow Sohail Shaikh wrote an excellent blog Post, I used it in my customization to avoid overlay methods in some of out of the box table.
That article made my day and worked perfectly fine. But here one thing that article missed. How we have to set form designer the custom workflow in list page . Something like If I copied from Sheiks sabs article.
There is error when I created on initialized of custom table in a extension class for list page . I got following error.
So it is not possible, I still not figure out. Later possible I will got they way to do so. Any how I achieved this in extension for interaction class. I copied the post event of initializeQuery method and copied in my class and following code will work for me. To enable or disabled workflow in list page
[PostHandlerFor(classStr(TableListPageInteraction), methodStr(ListPageInteraction, initializeQuery))]
public static void TableListPageInteraction_Post_initializeQuery(XppPrePostArgs args)
TableListPageInteraction TableListPageInteraction = args.getThis();
StatusTable RFQStatusTable = purchRFQCaseTableListPageInteraction.listPage().activeRecord(queryDataSourceStr(TableListPage, DDSRFQStatus)) as DDSRFQStatus;
FormRun formRun = TableListPageInteraction.listPage().formRun();
FormRun.design().workflowDatasource(formDataSourceStr(PurchRFQReplyTable, DDSRFQStatus));
It works for me