A few days ago I got chance to work on list page which contains the lines which are assign to current user or login user for approval.
In Dynamics Ax 2012, every workflow is based on some table. Here we create Query and enable workflow on it.
When any record is submit for approval. So how the other Dynamics Ax 2012 workflow create entries in out of the box workflow tables. If we open AOT there a lot of table which is used by Workflow engine.
For current requirement we have to create custom query which is based on document table and out of the box workflow table. But problem is there too much table and how to understand relation ship between tables.
In Dynamics Ax, when no solution available then best solution is reverse engineering. Explore what Microsoft already did, try to understand it and then create your own solution.
After exploring I found that in procurement module there is “Purchase requisition assign to me” list page where the similar task is done by Microsoft itself.
This list page is based on AOT /Static Query “PurchReqTableAssignedToMe”.
On expanding I found relationship between following tables.
-Document table current example it is PurchReqTable
-SysworkFlowTable (as parent or Header table).
-SysWorkFlowTable ( as child or line table).
You can explore this query in more detail and replicate this with respect to required table on your workflow based and use this query in list page.
In this form you have to set design properties to enable it for workflow. For example current PurchRequistionAssignToMe list page has following properties.
Hope this helps