By writing of this post, I just download the AX7 CTP8 Vm and configure on my machine.
I successfully configure it on hyper V. Only one tricky point is external network adapter in Hyper V.
First step is download VHD and extract it to some place. If you are registered to AX 7 Feedback program, then you must have vhd download link.
After the download, run the self-extract exe and extract the Vhd at specific location.
Step 2. Create a new external network adapter
Open hyper v console, and create new external network. As I am using wireless network, so I select it as bridge for using internet inside VM. You can use your Ethernet network as bridge.
Step 3 Create a new Vm.
Select generation 1 vm in next step
Set 8 GB ram to vm, recommend ram is 16 GB.
Select network adapter we created in previous step.
Select use existing hard drive and select the Vhd extracted in previous steps.
Click on next and click on finished.
Run the VM and click on connect button. Login in with “Administrator” and Password is “pass@word1”
When VM is running you find new network connection ask your permission, Click on Yes button.
Please check that network is working fine inside VM. Some times it will gives error “network has not assigned ip address”. If external network adapter will not work then you have to create internal network and use that.
For this I create Internal network adapter in Hyper v. For currently I created a new internal adapter with name
Now open the network and sharing center in windows. either using wifi or Ethernet. right click on it and from properties window select sharing tab.
check the checked box for sharing internet and from drop down select the v Ethernet (which we create in one above step). stop the vm and use newly created internal network adapter in its network setting. When you start the vm. it will successfully access the internet and let you access ax 7 in browser.
For more detail for Internal networks setting please use following link, I used it for configuration.
Wait a few minutes and then open Internet Explorer and type following url
This will lead you at login page
For login you need to use some office 365 account. Currently I used my other account which i created for Microsoft Dynamics CRM trail. Possible if office 365 account did not work then register for CRM trail. 🙂
You may found “Provision tool” on the desktop of VM”.
Right click on it and run it as administrator.
enter your office 365 account and click on submit.
wait a few minutes. When success message popup login with office 365 account.
If your network Adapter is successfully configured, AX 7 welcome page will open, other wise you will find error page.