Consider a scenario, where your organization “USMF” (demo data legal entity), what to purchase items from Vendors. They have different vendors who can provide these items / services on different discounted rate. So USMF create a request Items with specific quantity and send these request to different vendors. When vendors receives these request they evaluate different points and return the bids against them, We can register these responses in Ax against Request for which quotations they offered. After finalizing selected Quotes converted into Purchased order.
In this post we are going to request for quote and post this quote to different Vendors.
For creating request for Quotations you have to go Procurement and sourcing module.
The menu path will be Procurement and sourcing=> Request of Quotation=> All request for quotation
When you click on “All requests for quotations” link a list page will open
Click on Request for Quotation new button from top Quotation tab.
Select solicitation type and select RFQ-for Goods.
Update the delivery date to 2/28/2015 and also set expiration date and time to 1/21/2015.
Expiration date and time is means that vendor has to send response before the expiry date.
Click on Ok button and Request for Quotes detail page opens.
Here you can select item, its quantity and site id.
Now you can select the vendors for list against you send request for quotes by expending vendor fast tab below the
Select vendor account and click on add button.
For example I want to send this request for quotes to two vendors Acme Office Supplies and Lande Packaging Supplies.
Now vendors are selected we have to send these quotes to vendors, If your organization use the Enterprise portal then you can post this request for quote to vendor portal. But here I am just Request of quotes to posted
By Clicking on Send button following window will be open, If you are interested in printing you can click on print button.
After clicking on ok button you can check that in Request for quote detail page, that vendor highest status become sent.
If we saw the list page then find the status of request for quotes is also send